
正会員  入会金2,000円 年会費7,000円
学生会員 入会金1,000円 年会費3,500円
講読会員 年会費5,000円
賛助会員 年会費10,000円以上


TEL : 03-6824-9398 (平日9:00~12:00、13:00~17:00)
FAX : 03-5227-8631
E-mail: iaoc-posut@as.bunken.co.jp

E-mail: iaoc@nifty.com



第1条 本会は国際服飾学会と称する。本会の設立年月日は、1982年9月11日である。

第2条 本会の所在地は、東京都新宿区山吹町358-5アカデミーセンター(株)国際文献社内である。

第3条 本会は日本並びに世界の服飾研究を、各国の関連会員と共に学際的に行い、服飾学の発展に寄与することを目的とする。

第4条 本会はその目的を達成する為に次の事業を行う。









第5条 本会の趣旨に賛同し、所定の入会手続きを経て理事会の承認を得たものを会員として組織する。


1.正会員 本会の目的に賛同する個人。

2.海外会員 本会の目的に賛同する個人で海外に在住するもの。

3.学生会員 本会の目的に賛同する学生。

4.海外学生会員 本会の目的に賛同する学生で海外に在住するもの。

5.名誉会員 服飾学に功労があり、総会の議決をもって推薦された個人。

6.賛助会員 本会の事業を賛助する個人または団体。

7.購読会員 国際服飾学会誌を定期的に購読する個人または団体。

第6条 本会に入会し、会員になろうとするものは入会金及び会費を支払わなければならない。



第7条 会員は別に定める投稿規程に従って論文その他を会誌に投稿することができると共に、会誌及び資料等の配布、出版物等の斡旋を受けることができる。但し購読会員は会誌の購読に限られる。




第9条 会費を滞納した会員は理事会の決議により除名することができる。また、本会会則にそむき本会の事業を


第10条 本会に次の役員を置く。

 会長 1名 副会長 3名
 理事 若干名 監事  2名










第13条 理事会は必要に応じて、理事経験者から特任理事を、また会員から幹事を推薦し、会長が委嘱することができる。




第15条 会長、副会長、理事は理事会を組織し、総務、庶務、会計、渉外、編集、企画などをそれぞれ担当する理事は会長が委嘱する。

第16条 会長は本会を代表し、本会の事務を総理し、理事会の議長となる。副会長は会長を補佐し、会長に事故があるときはあらかじめ指定した順序によって、その職務を代行する。    理事は会則に準拠して会務を行う。

第17条 監事は次の事務を行う。




第18条 会長は学識者の中から顧問を指名することができる。顧問は会員と同等の待遇を受け、本会の運営に協力し、会務について意見を述べることができる。但し、被選挙権及び選挙権を有しない。


第19条 本会の会議は理事会及び総会とする。

第20条 理事会は必要に応じて会長が招集し、本会の事務遂行について審議決定する。監事・特任理事及び幹事は理事会に出席して意見を述べることができる。ただし決議には加わらない。

第21条 総会は年1回の通常総会と臨時総会とする。臨時総会は次の場合に開く。




第22条 総会は正会員の過半数の出席を以て成立する。総会に出席できない正会員は委任状によって出席者とみなされる。

第23条 総会の決議は出席正会員の過半数の同意がなければならない。可否同数のときは議長の決するところによる。

第24条 総会は会長が招集し、開催日の少なくとも7日前に会議の日程、場所及び議題を示し、書面を以て会員に通知する。

第25条 総会は次の事項を承認または決議する。







第26条 本会の経費は会費、寄付金及びその他の収入をもってあてる。

第27条 本会の会計年度は4月1日より始まり、翌年3月31日に終わる。




経過措置 第15条の再任に関わる規定についてはこの会則の施行後、初めての役員選挙において選任された役員の任期を第1期とする。









第1条 本規定は、国際服飾学会会則第6条の1に基づき会費及び入会金について規定する。

第2条 年会費及び入会金は次のとおりとする。

正会員 会費 7,000円、入会金 2,000円
海外会員 会費 6,000円、入会金 2,000円
学生会員 会費 3,500円、入会金 1,000円
海外学生会員 会費 3,000円、入会金 1,000円
賛助会員 会費 10,000円以上
購読会員 会費 5,000円

第3条 本規定を改正しようとする場合には理事会及び総会の議決を経なければならない。


(click here to see)

General Rules

Article I

  This association shall be named the International Association of Costume, hereafter to be called the Association. This association was established on September 11, 1982.

Article II

  This Association shall locate Academy Center, International Academic Publishing Co. Ltd., 358-5, Yamabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Article III

  The objects of this Association shall be to engage in interdisciplinary studying costume in Japan and other countries together with members of other related associations established in other countries and to contribute to the prosperity and betterment of costume.

Article IV

  he activities of the Association shall be as follows:

1.To hold General Meetings and ordinary meeting in Japan.

2.To take part in international conferences of costume.

3.To hold regular meetings, lecture, field trips, short courses of lectures, etc. in Japan and foreign countries.

4.To publish the Journal of the International Association of Costume.

5.To carry out joint studies in foreign countries, exchange lecturers, publish books, translations and other printed matters cooperate with and help students studying abroad and from abroad, etc.

6.To carry out cultural activities on costume on a cooperative basis.

7.To carry out any other pertinent activities relevant to the foregoing objects of the Association.


Article V

  This Association shall be organized by members who support and agree with its objects and have been approved by the Board of Directors, in compliance with due formalities for memberships.

1.A regular member shall be a person who agrees to and approves of the foregoing objects of this Association.

2.An overseas member shall be a regular member who lives in foreign countries.

3.A student member shall be a student who agrees to and approves of the foregoing objects of this Association.

4.An overseas student member shall be a student member who lives in foreign country.

5.An honorary member shall be a person who has given meritorious service to costume and has been recommended by a General Meeting.

6.A patron member shall be a person or group who sponsors the objects and activities of the Association.

7.A subscription member shall be a person or a group who subscribes the Journal of the International Association of costume.

Article VI

  One who wish to be admitted to a member of the Association shall pay admission fee and annual due.

1.The regulation about admission fee and annual due for a member shall be provide separately under a resolution of the Board of Directors and General Meeting.

2.An admission fee and an annual due paid by a member shall not be returned on any account.

Article VII

  A member may contribute articles and reports to the Journal as separately provided by the Information for Contributors, take delivery of the Journal, materials, etc., and request services of printing, etc.

  A subscription member may take delivery of the Journal only.

Article VIII

1.A member who desires to retire or recess from the Association shall apply in writing or by e-mail to the Board of Directors to that effect.

2.Annual fee during the recess shall be exempted.

Article IX

  A member who has let his membership dues fall into arrears may be dismissed from membership under a resolution of the Board of Directors. Further, a member who has committed an act in contravention of the Statutes of the Association, interrupted the activities of the Association, or invited disgrace on damage to the Association may have his or her membership revoked under a resolution of the Board of Directors.


Article X

  The Association shall have the following officers: a President, three Vice-Presidents, a limited number of Directors, two Auditors. The number of the Directors shall be adopted by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Article XI

1.The Directors shall be elected from the regular members by vote and determined at the General Meeting. The number of the directors will not be over eight, whose age is over 75 years old or person whose affiliation is no research institute.

2.The number of the directors to be elected is to be decided by Board of Directors.

3.Voting shall be in charge of the election administration committee. The details of the election administration committee are prescribed separately.

4.A way of voting shall be in writing and the details of the voting are prescribed separately.

Article XII

1.Following Article XI, the President and Vice- Presidents shall be elected by a vote of Nominees for Directors and approved at a general meeting. As for supplying for the President, three Vice-presidents shall be voted to each other.

2.The Auditors shall be elected from the regular members and approved by a vote of the Board of Directors. Voting is to be in writing under control of election administration committee.

Article XIII

  Board of directors recommends specially-appointed directors from ex-directors, and the Staffs from the members, and the President may entrust them with their duties as necessary.

Article XIV

  The term of officers shall be from the date of the close of the Ordinary General Meeting until the close of the Ordinary General Meeting within two years after their assumption date, with proviso that officers shall not be reappointed more than twice in succession.

Article XV

  The President, Vice-Presidents and Directors shall organize the Board of Directors. The President shall entrust different directors to be in charge of general affairs, accounts, public relations, editing, planning, execution and the like.

Article XVI

  The President shall represent the Association, be in overall charge of the affairs of the Association and be the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Vice-Presidents shall advise the President. When the President is prevented from presiding, the Vice-Presidents shall take his place by the designated order. The Directors shall execute the affairs of the Association in conformity with the Statutes.

Article XVII

  The auditors shall audit the management of the activities of the Association.

1.The auditors shall audit the financial affairs and financial reports of the Association.

2.The auditors shall audit the execution of the duties of the Board of Directors.

3.If and when the auditors find any misconduct in the financial affairs, financial reports or the execution of any duties, the Auditors shall make report on the same at General Meeting.

Article XVIII

  The President may nominate the Adviser from persons of scholarly attainment. An Adviser may be treated with a member and may cooperate with the administration and advise on the activities or affairs of the Association. However, an Adviser may not have a voting or voted right.


Article XIX

  Meetings of the Association shall comprise the Board of Director and General Meeting.

Article XX

  The President may convene the Board of Directors as necessary and shall make executive decisions respecting the business of the Association. The Auditors, specially appointed directors and Staffs may attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and offer their opinion but shall not take part in resolutions.

Article XXI

  The General Meetings shall comprise an Ordinary General Meeting annually convened and Extraordinary General Meetings.

 Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened:

1.In the case of an emergency that cannot wait for an Ordinary General Meeting.

2.In the case where one-thirds of the members agree to convene a meeting with a certain purpose and an agenda.

3.Extraordinary General Meetings shall be convened within thirty days after a request has been made to the Board of Directors.

Article XXII

  General Meetings shall be passed by a majority vote of members attending. Member may exercise his vote by authorizing any other member of the Association to his proxy.

Article XXIII

  The resolution of General Meeting shall be adopted by a majority vote of members attending. Chairman shall be authorized to decide the vote.

Article XXIV

  General Meetings shall be convened by the President. Notice to convene a General Meeting shall be given in writing to all members at least seven days prior to the date of such meetings, designating the time schedule, place and agenda.

Article XXV

  General Meetings shall approve of or make decision on the following:

1.Matters relating to resolutions of a business program and estimates of accounts.

2.Matters relating to approval of a business report and settlement of the accounts for the preceding year.

3.Matters relating to amendments of this Statutes.

4.Matters relating to election of officers.

5.Any other matters recognized to be necessary by the Board of Directors.


Article XXVI

  Expense of this Association shall be boarded by dues, donation and other incomes.

Article XXVII

  The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on April 1 of each year and end on March 31 in the succeeding year.

Supplementary Provision

(1)These Statutes were adopted on June 22, 1992.

(2)These Statutes are enforced on June 22, 2003.

  Transitional measure: as for Article XV, directors elected after the first election of the enforcement of this Statute are to be on their first term.

(3)The above regulations are active from June 19, 2005.

(4)As a stopgap measures, the term for the 16th board members is for three years, regardless of the Regulation, Article 15th, on the term of the board members.

(5)These Statutes are enforced on June 8, 2013.

(6)These Statutes are enforced on April 24, 2016.

(7)These Statutes are enforced on April 21, 2018.

(8)These Statutes are enforced on April 27, 2019.

(9)These Statutes are enforced on May 14,2023


Article I

  This regulation prescribes annual dues and admission fee for members under Article VI of the Statutes of the International Association of Costume.

Article II

  Annual dues and admission fee are as follows:

Annual Due Admission Fee

 Regular member ¥7,000 ¥2,000

 Overseas member ¥6,000 ¥2,000

 Student member ¥3,500 ¥1,000

 Overseas Student member ¥3,000 ¥1,000

 Patron member ¥10,000 or more none

 Subscription member ¥5,000 none

Article III

  These Regulations may be amended by the decision on the Board of Directors and on the General Meeting.

Supplementary Provision

  These Regulations were adopted on September 11,