
国際的な活動としては、「国際服飾学術会議」の開催があげられる。その発端は、1980年の日韓両国による「日韓服飾学シンポジウム」の試みである。そしてこの活動をさらに充実させるには、この会の日本における運営母体の組織化が必須との認識のもとで、そのための活動が始まり、1982年2月、日本・韓国・台湾三ヶ国の共同開催による「第1回 亜細亜服飾研究会議(Asia Costume Congress)」が台湾・台北市で開催された後に、その運営組織が発展して本学会の設立となった。これ以後「亜細亜服飾研究会議」は、台湾、日本、韓国の順に三ヶ国の持ち回りの形で第7回まで運営された。 やがて1988年の第7回会議において、服飾研究の輪を世界に拡げる提案が採択され、名称も「国際服飾学術会議(International Costume Congress)」と改称し、翌年からは欧米諸国をも視野に入れた開催が目指された。1989年ポルトガル・リスボンでの第8回「国際服飾学術会議」の開催を皮切りに、以降種々の困難を乗り越えながらも、ニューヨーク、コペンハーゲン、パリ、バース等世界各地でも開いてきたが、2004年の第21回からは隔年開催となって今日に至っている。それを補うものとして2009年からは、「国際服飾学術会議」を開催しない年に「服飾文化研修旅行」を企画し、ブルガリア、フィンランド、インド、ブータン、ラオス等で、現地の服飾研究者との学術交流会を行って、見聞を広げつつ、親交を深めている。

第1期~第12期 1982年~ 丹野 郁
第13期 2006年~ 木野内 清子
第14期 2008年~ 田中 俊子
第15期 2010年~ 有馬 澄子
第16期 2012年~ 増田 美子
第17期 2015年~ 佐々井 啓
第18期 2017年~ 増田 美子
第19期 2019年~ 片岡 淳
第20期 2021年~ 佐々井 啓
第21期 2023年~ 河上 繁樹
History and Development
The International Association of Costume (IAOC) was established on September 11, 1982, under the proposal of late Dr. TANNO Kaoru, who pointed out that the international sharing and exchange of academic accomplishments of costume studies would be indispensable for the future of the genre; the IAOC's goal is “to contribute to the development of fashion science by conducting interdisciplinary costume research in Japan and other countries around the world with relevant members from various countries.” The IAOC has been actively conducting various projects under the leadership of past and present presidents. These projects include organizing annual general meetings, conferences, and several workshops, the biannual publication of two issues of the official journal titled Journal of International Association of Costume, two biannual issues of the official bulletin titled Bulletin of International Association of Costume, and various specialized books of the genre (the publication of the bulletin was terminated with the 74th issue published in March 2021, and some contents of the bulletin were transferred to the official journal).

The primary international activity of the IAOC is highlighted by the International Costume Congress, which was originally organized on a trial basis as a Japan-Korea joint conference held in 1980 with the title “The Symposiums on Japanese-Korean Costume Culture”
“With the symposium’s success, a shared understanding spread among relevant parties in Japan that the establishment of an organizing body should be mandatory for further development of the field of costume culture. A group of researchers started a project immediately, which was realized as a joint congress of three nations of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, with the title “the 1st Asia Costume Congress” held in Taipei, Taiwan; the organizing committee of the Congress was the founding body of the IAOC. Following the success of the first Congress, the Asia Costume Congress was held in the three nations of Taiwan, Japan, and Korea in this order on a rotating basis until the seventh Congress in 1988. A proposal was made in this particular Congress to expand the community of costume study to a global scale, and its name was changed to the International Costume Congress in the hope of holding events worldwide, including Europe and the United States. Beginning with the 8th International Costume Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, Congress has been held in various cities worldwide, including New York, Copenhagen, Paris, and Bath, despite multiple challenges. Since the 21st Congress in 2004, it has been held every other year. In addition, a study tour titled “Costume Culture Study Tour” has been held since 2009 every other year without international Congress to supplementally provide researchers with opportunities of academic exchange to expand knowledge in collaboration with local researchers of various countries, including Bulgaria, Finland, India, Bhutan, Laos, and other countries we visit.
(See also articles of International Costume Congress, Costume Culture Study Tour, Academic Exchange Projects)

The IAOC is a member of cooperative academic research organization of the Science Council of Japan. It is also an active member of the “Consortium of Human Life Science” established for information-sharing and collaboration between the Science Council of Japan and academic societies and life science associations.
List of Presidents
1st to 12th Period From 1982 TANNO Kaoru
13th Period From 2006 KINOUCHI Kiyoko
14th Period From 2008 TANAKA Toshiko
15th Period From 2010 ARIMA Sumiko
16th Period From 2012 MASUDA Yoshiko
17th Period From 2015 SASAI Kei
18th Period From 2017 MASUDA Yoshiko
19th Period From 2019 KATAOKA Jun
20th Period From 2021 SASAI Kei
21th Period From 2023 KAWAKAMI Shigeki